Binjie design and build user interfaces for software, with a focus on creating best user experience possible. I have specialized in user/market research, information architecture, wireframe, visual design, rapid prototyping and usability testing in the UX design field, as well as developed my technical skills in HTML, CSS and JavaScript for prototyping interfaces.
With incredible passion for software, I’m currently designing experiences for enterprise software at VMWare. I like user-centered, evidence-based design process and data-driven decision making methodology. I like spending my spare time working on side projects and learning about the future of technology. My hobbies include reading books, travelling and playing basketball. I believe the future is full of technological excitements and I wish to make an impact with design.
孙斌杰为硬件和软件设计和开发用户界面。做每个设计时候,他都会有着一个清楚的目标, 创造最好的用户体验。在用户体验设计领域,他擅长用户和市场研究,信息建模,线框模型,视觉设计,快速构建交互原型和可用性测试。在用户界面开发领域,他熟练掌握着HTML, CSS, Javascript等技能。